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General Medicine and Health Check

Health services are provided periodically in several areas for people in need. Services provided include; consultations and health checks.

Mass Circumcision

Free mass circumcision activities are conducted periodically in various regions, accompanied by the provision of compensation, gifts, and prayer equipment packages to create a pious and healthy next generation.


Healthy teeth movement

Early education activities for children on dental health are conducted periodically in both formal and informal educational institutions in various regions.


Healthy Eye Movement

Eye examinations and free eyeglasses were given to eligible students to increase their interest in reading and give them hope for the future.


Nutritious food or groceries packages

Providing nutritious food parcels or groceries on a regular basis to the poor and elderly who are less fortunate.

Office Address:

Buncit Mas Office Block C 3,

Jl. Kemang Utara IX No.35 Duren Tiga,

South Jakarta 12760

Call Center: 0813 8519 3714

Service & WA/SMS Center: 0878 4113 1360

Tel: +6221-7998301, 7998302, 
Fax: +6221-7998303

Dana Mustadhafin (DM) is a non-profit philanthropic institution that receives, manages, and distributes zakat, infaq, sadaqah, or other funds that are halal and non-binding. These funds can come from individuals, institutions, communities, and private / state-owned companies (corporate social responsibility).

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