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The Mustadh'afin are symbolized by the blue letter M. Mustadh'afin means people who are persecuted, marginalized both economically and educationally and culturally.

The golden yellow letter D symbolizes wealthy people where funds are in their hands, shake hands, work hand in hand, work together, and help each other.


An institution that facilitates and empowers groups of people who have excess assets with groups of people who need it in order to create a balance within an Islamic framework.

Office Address:

Buncit Mas Office Block C 3,

Jl. Kemang Utara IX No.35 Duren Tiga,

South Jakarta 12760

Call Center: 0813 8519 3714

Service & WA/SMS Center: 0878 4113 1360

Tel: +6221-7998301, 7998302, 
Fax: +6221-7998303

Dana Mustadhafin (DM) is a non-profit philanthropic institution that receives, manages, and distributes zakat, infaq, sadaqah, or other funds that are halal and non-binding. These funds can come from individuals, institutions, communities, and private / state-owned companies (corporate social responsibility).

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