In the framework of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day. Dana Mustadhafin held a social service for people in need, in the form of Free General Medicine activities located at Gelar Anyar Foundation, Gunung Sari Village, Cikarang - Sukabumi Regency, West Java on Saturday, August 27, 2022.
This activity is in synergy with ABI Responsif. This service was held in a remote village with difficult and rocky road access to the location.
The community, who are mostly farmers and casual laborers, is very happy with activities like this. When the community needs medical treatment, they are far from the medical center and the cost is not small.
This activity also received support from the village government and the local health center.
Alhamdulillah, the activity can run smoothly while the beneficiaries are 187 patients who come for treatment.
In addition, Dana Mustadhafin also distributes Quran and reading books waqf programs for Gelar Anyar Foundation students.
Dana Mustadhafin #pedulidanterpercayaa